Wednesday, June 4, 2008


"Winner, winner, chicken dinner!"
Tagline: Five students who changed the game forever

It's been quite a while since I wrote a movie review. I'm a certified movie goer yet I couldn't allot time to review each and every movie I've watched.

Anyway, this movie is based on a true story. It started with a brilliant M.I.T student (Ben Campbell) who tries to apply for a scholarship in Harvard Medical School. He needs $300,000 to pay for HMS tuition fee in case he didn't pass the scholarship. His math professor (Kevin Spacey) discovered his brilliance and saw potential for their "business". Ben was recruited to join a group of students that plays Blackjack and heads to Las Vegas to win million of dollars. Since Ben really needs the money, he eventually agreed to join. Besides, "Counting cards is not gambling", quoted by his math professor/group leader. With a great and quick mind, Ben finds it easy to win every game.

I'll leaving you hanging here. It's for you to watch the movie and see the ending! Harhar! I'm telling you guys, the movie is worth seeing.. and yes, it is way better than Indiana Jones! As the movie ends, it made me want to learn to play blackjack...and go to Las Vegas!!

Kudos to Jeff Ma! Made me proud to be an Asian.. Lolz! "Asians are not smart. Americans are just stupid."

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